Vitamin D is a necessary nutrient required by the body to absorb calcium, maintain immune functioning, bone development, and alleviation of inflammation. However, its deficiency can cause various health issues like rickets, leads to poor hair growth, etc. Get complete knowledge of Vitamin D by PK Halder.

On the contrary, any excess amount of Vitamin D in the body is also not favorable, as it builds up excessive calcium, resulting in an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and kidney stones. But you can manage by inducing some vitamin D-rich foods into your routine diet. So, let’s get you through some recommended foods, fruit, and vegetable that are naturally rich in Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is automatically generated by the body when skin is exposed to sunlight. Moreover, we also name it the sunshine vitamin. In addition to it, this accounts for roughly 90% of our total Vitamin D, whereas only 10% comes from food. For this, you can spend at least 20 minutes in the sun every day, and it will satisfy your vitamin D requirements.

Vitamin-D sources

Vitamin D Foods List

Here we have enlisted some of the vitamin D food sources majorly fruits and vegetables, that can accomplish your requirements naturally and effortlessly.


Cereals are considered the best breakfast supported with essential vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin D, in reasonable amounts. It can provide you with a lighter way to healthier breakfast.



People tend to avoid eating yolk because they think it contains fats. But the other coin side is that its white part has protein, whereas fats, vitamins, and minerals are found in the yolk. Also, you can try any number of dishes with eggs.

Egg yolk contains 18 IU of vitamin D.


Cheese is among the best foods high in Vitamin D. It is valued for its high content of phosphorus, fat, protein, vitamins, and calcium. So, eat cheese raw if you like it, add to your dishes, or try cheese spreads over any kind of bread.

Moreover, 100 grams of cheese contains 24 IU of Vitamin D.

Fatty Fish

Oily and fatty fish is also one of the best-known sources as compared to other fishes. A fish can naturally store vitamin D in its liver and fat tissues. Sardines, mackerel, trout are some fish that are food with vitamin D. You can eat boiled fish, toasted, pickled, and in a wide variety of dishes.

Cod Liver Oil

Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is the next best food that contains vitamin D. It is high in omega-3 fatty acids that have many health benefits, including reduced inflammation and lower BP. In addition, it helps maintain healthy bones, relieves joint pain, aid in treating rickets, and improves eye health.


It’s a generally known fact that pork is one of the vitamin D rich foods along with many other nutrients. You can eat freshly cooked or preserved pork. Mostly the liver of pork is rich in Vitamin D, and pork exposed to sunlight offers much more amount of vitamin.



Oysters are famous seafood eaten across the globe. They are low in calories but high in nutrients like vitamin D, phosphorus, vitamin B12, copper, zinc, and omega-3s. You can add boiled oysters into your salad, and it not only adds up the taste but will also give you a lot of health benefits.

They have268 IU vitamin D in 6 raw oysters.


Yogurt, known as curd in India, is an excellent choice for enrichment as it’s good in calcium, protein, and gut-friendly bacteria. Fortified yogurt improves vitamin D levels and offers many health benefits too. It also prevents the development of chronic diseases.



Vegetarians can gain a good amount of vitamin D in fortified tofu, famously known as cottage cheese. You can take it with different gravies or garnish your salads with it to make it more tasty & enriched.

For information, it provides around100 IU vitamin D per 100 grams.

Soy Milk

Soy milk is a plant-based milk product curated by soaking dry soybeans and grinding them thoroughly. It can be easily made at home as well without much effort. Also, it contains the same amount of protein as cow’s milk. It is also high in Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and iron.

Soy milk has107-117 IU vitamin D in 1 cup.



Tuna is counted under one of the most valuable foods that have vitamin D. Although levels of vitamin D in tuna also vary depending on the type. You can make tuna salad drizzled with olive oil or you can boil or stir fry it and eat it with bread.

Tuna contains268 IU of vitamin D per 100 grams.


Salmon is a fatty fish which is another great food high in vitamin d. It is also high in omega-3 fatty acids. It can be made in different ways as you like to eat. However, try salmon with some grilled or baked vegetables for a healthier dinner option.

Salmon brings988 IU of vitamin D.



It’s raw meat, translucent by nature, firm yet tender in form, and mild-tasting flesh. Shrimp also contains cholesterol, minerals & vitamins such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin B3. They can be eaten steamed or boiled. It is among the great vitamin d rich foods when counted among the nutritional kinds of seafood.

1 large shrimp roughly provides42 IU of vitamin D.


Mushroom is one of the best Vitamin D vegetables which naturally produces this nutrient when exposed to sunlight. However, they contain no fat and are a valuable source of fiber & selenium. They can be cooked, baked, or pan-fried to get tasty and healthy dishes.

For information, 100-gram mushroom has2300 IU vitamin D.



If you are a leafy green veggie-lover, then spinach is one of the best vegetables containing vitamin D & calcium. Spinach is an excellent source of quick energy and sounds like a delicious ingredient in any food. Roughly one cup of cooked spinach contains 25% of your necessary daily intake of calcium, iron, Vitamin A, and fiber.


There are limited Vitamin D fruits. Around 75% of the people worldwide are either allergic to dairy products or are lactose intolerant, and some of them are vegan. So, orange or

orange and banana

orange juice is the best option with vitamin D and other nutrients such as calcium.

1 cup of orange juice has 100 IU vitamin D.


When you stumble upon fruits containing vitamin D, banana is another best option for the same. This is because they are a great source of magnesium, which activates vitamin D in the body. Also, it is suggested that an essential amount of magnesium is necessary to get the optimal benefits of vitamin D.

Thus, let us conclude with a note that vitamin D can be absorbed in multiple ways and through various vitamin D fruits & vegetables also.
