If you have any suggestion please provide your valuable feedback.

As a bright ambitious person, I enjoy working in a fast paced, highly motivating position where I can assist others while challenging and expanding my knowledge and understanding of the task at hand. I am seeking a position (Senior JEE Programmer or System Analyst or Team Lead) that will utilize my skills and offer the chance for advancement as well as allow me the opportunity to gain additional skills and experience.
Expertise Highlights:
21+ year’s core developing experience in Java/JSP/Servlet/JEE on Web portal and e-Commerce application, where 6+ years solid experience on SOA based application using Web Service, SOAP, XML/XSL technology. 7+ years PL/SQL, Stored Procedure experience using Oracle, MS SQL and MySQL. Experience complete software development life cycle (SDLC) from design, development, testing, deployment, to production and maintenance. Experience project documentation, from business requirements to technical documentation.
Profile Summary:
- 21+ years Software Developer to Senior Software Developer Experience
- 15+ years solid experience in Java/JEE/JSE/JSP development
- 15+ year ColdFusion
- 7+ years PHP experience, 1+ years Drupal PHP experience
- 6+ years experience in Web portal application development
- 6+ years extensive and hands on experience in developing multi-tiered e-Commerce applications
- 3+ years experience in ERP solution development
- 5+ years experience in Relational Databases applications with Oracle, MS SQL Server 2000/08, MySQL
- 7+ years in Eclipse with integration of Ant, SVN version control, MS VSS, and Tomcat
- 7+ years PL/SQL, Stored Procedure experience
- 6+ year JavaScript, Ajax, JSON, JQuery, Ext JS, Sencha Touch in expertise level
- 2+ years Struts, Spring, Hibernate
- 4+ years experience on Rational Rose, CSS
- 5+ years experience xml, xsl/xslt,
- Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) on J2EE Platform, Java Programmer (SCJP)
- Excellent analytical and problem solving skills
- Self-motivated, fast learner, team player and work well under pressure to meet deadlines
- Experience of complete software development life cycle (SDLC) from design, development, testing, deployment, to production and maintenance
- Experience project documentation, from business requirements to technical documentation.
Skills Highlights:
Software Architecture
RUP, UML, OOAD, Design Patterns, Extreme Programming (Agile), Data Modeling, OLAP, Rational Rose
Programming Languages
Java/JEE/JSE, EJB, Servlets, JSP, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Ajax, PHP, Visual Basic, ColdFusion,ASP,.Net, JDBC, JavaBeans, JavaMail, Swing, Applets, AWT, XML, FORTRAN,SOA, SOAP, POI, FOP, Ant, JUnit, Log4j, Jakarta Commons, JFree Report, JFor, Jasper Report, JDOM, DOM4J, Lucene
Internet (Web) related Technologies
HTML, DHTML, XHTML,JSF, CSS, CSS2, XSl/XSLT, JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery,JSON, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, JSTL,Chart (HighChart, gRaphael,chart js,float, Sencha)
RDBMS and Database Programming
Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, MS Access, SQL, JDBC, ODBC, PL/SQL, Stored Procedure
Development IDEs and Tools
Eclipse, JBuilder, RAD/WSAD, Bugzilla, Fiddler, CVS, Rational Rose, JUnit, MS Visual Source Safe, Crystal Reports
Web / Application Servers
Tomcat, JRun, IIS, JBoss, ColdFusion
Operating Systems
Windows 98, 2000, NT, XP, DOS